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An Illuminating Experience

Tianjin University OSA Student Chapter

In July 2016, Tianjin University OSA Student Chapter held the OSA Centennial Special Events- A Series of Optical Courses on OSA's 100th Birthday. We held the activities at Tianjin University affiliated elementary school and Yixing primary school. Preparations started in May and we had a lot of meetings to discuss the form of classroom, tested the lecture course, bought the experimental and demonstrated apparatus, we also bought dolls and a lot of prizes for primary students.

Our first trip was to Tianjin University affiliated elementary school, where we gave optical lectures to about 80 fourth grade students. During the optical class, we taught them the source of light, propagation of light, refraction and reflection of light. The class was given some questions, which were prepared by us before the class, students who gave the right answers would get dolls and stationery, so they were enthusiastic and full of energy, most of them wanted to raise their hands to answer questions, we believed that they must be attracted by the optical knowledge. Then we divided them into groups, our chapter members told them how to use the optical experimental instruments, and then they finished experiment themselves. The experiments contained reflection and refraction of light, the influence of convex and concave mirrors on light, we also design some questions to let them finish, for example, we let them to design a periscope using the plane mirrors. we thought that these experiments would help them improve the operational ability and cooperation awareness.

The atmosphere of classroom was very active, some parents who were picking up their children were also attracted to the back of the classroom, they watched the lectures and experiments with interests. The whole event lasted for one hour. We then held another optical class for 90 fifth grade students. The entire fifth grade were about 90 students. Since the fifth grade might have learned some of the optical knowledge in science classes, we added more knowledge to the class, in addition to the previous contents, we also explained the imaging of plane mirror, the components of optics, and classified the electromagnetic waves. We asked them about the example and function of infrared and ultraviolet light, and then discussed with them. All the experiments were corresponded with the course contents.

A few days later, we visited Yi Xing Elementary School. There was a scientific interest group in grades 3th-5th, where we taught around 30 students, who had a strong interest in science. we still explained some of the basic optics knowledge, then divided them into groups to do experiments. we were very surprised that these kids asked us a lot of things about the black hole, relativity and other deep questions. although they do not really understand this knowledge, their vision still surprised us, we felt very excited and discussed with them. At the end of the class, the teacher hoped we would visit again and we hope that we can also come back next semester. We would like to thank the schools as well as OSA for providing us with the Centennial Special Events Grant.
Image for keeping the session alive