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Education and Training in Optics & Photonics Conference

Sponsored by Optica

21 - 24 May 2019

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

The bi-annual ETOP conference, first held in 1988, is an international forum dedicated to the dissemination of information related to the teaching of optics and photonics. It is the goal of this international conference to bring together leading optics and photonics educators from all levels, orientations and parts of the world to discuss, demonstrate and learn about new developments and approaches to teaching in these fields. Through presentations, panel discussions, workshops and exhibits, it is the intent of this conference to aid professors, students, teachers and professional trainers in teaching optics and photonics for the future. ETOP addresses topics at the pre-college, technician, two-year, four-year and graduate-equivalent levels. You can access past ETOP papers through OSA Publishing. Typical session topics include: training and laboratory materials for demonstrations training and continuing education in collaboration with industry education in geometrical optics, quantum optics technologies for integrated diffractive optics software for teaching computer assisted learning curriculum development laboratories for optics and photonics education education and training for inter- and multidisciplinary applications

Sponsor: OSA - IEEE Photonics - SPIE - ICO CIO

Image for keeping the session alive