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IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service

Managed by Optica

Hosted By: Technical Group

26 - 27 May 2014

Quality of Service (QoS) in communication systems has been a long lasting research focus worldwide. More than twenty-year history of IWQoS has established itself as a highly reputable forum to present novel ideas on all research subjects related to the topic. While QoS research for future generations of wired and wireless networks continues to attract much interest, recent exploration of data centers, virtualization, cloud computing, cloud services, industrial communication, and “green” computing has motivated a new wave of research interest in QoS and its related metrics such as Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Protection (QoP). The scope of IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2014 covers both theoretical and experimental research on QoS, QoE, QoP and related issues such as survivability, availability, reliability, security, privacy, pricing, resource provisioning and management, user experience, and system performance guarantees.

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