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Education and Training in Optics and Photonics

Sponsored by Optica

29 Jun - 02 Jul 2014

ETOP (Education and Training in Optics & Photonics) is a biennial conference that brings together educators from around the world to share information about the practice of teaching optics at all levels. The teaching of optics and photonics, critical fields at the core of today's world-wide technological infrastructure, must continually be upgraded and renewed in order to meet the growing demands of research, science and industry. It is the goal of this international conference to bring together leading optics and photonics educators from all levels and orientations to discuss, demonstrate and learn about new developments and approaches to teaching in these fields. Through presentations, panel discussions, workshops and exhibits, it is the intent of this conference to inform professors, students, teachers and professional trainers on how to teach optics and photonics for the future. ETOP addresses topics at the pre-college, technician and two-year, four-year and graduate-equivalent levels.

Sponsor: OSA SPIE ICO IEEE Photonics Society

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