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VII Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America

Managed by Optica

Hosted By: Technical Group

11 - 16 Nov 2013

The WLMLA is a bi-annual meeting, where the Latin American’s lidar researchers and students join together to share knowledge with researchers worldwide. The specific goals of the Workshop are to promote communication and cooperation between scientific members of the LIDAR community in Latin America, and to plan future LIDAR research projects in the region. This event is also a great opportunity for lidar and environmental companies to contact potential clients in Latin American lidar working groups. The host of the VII WLMLA, the Center for Optics and Photonics (CEFOP) of University of Concepción as a scientific and technological Center, sponsored by Programa de Financiamento Basal of Comisión Nacional de Investigación científica y Tecnológica (CONYCIT), is inviting to Lidar students and researchers for getting together to discuss over future directions on this topic, and encourages to young scientists to attend and present work, ensuring the vitality of the field of laser remote sensing.

Sponsor: - Center for Optics and Photonics - University of Concepcion - LICEL company - ESA - NASA - ICTP - Quantel Company - Leosphere Company

Image for keeping the session alive